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Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Antique Books

I feel like I am no longer a collector of books, which made me kind of sad this afternoon when I came across a tiny collection of lovely antique books on a blog I love.

When I was in college, I'd bring home new old books on a weekly basis and treasure them dearly. I'd actually show them off to friends when they came over to visit. But moving from Ohio to Illinois to Washington meant letting a few of those books go along the way.

I still have lots of books I love, but at one point during packing I had to start asking myself "Am I actually going to read this?"

I guess that's not really the point of collecting, and I have a handful of books that are even too fragile to read, but it was a practical decision. Especially since I now live in a small one bedroom apartment with my boyfriend and cat.

Have you left books behind that you reminisce over? Am I just crazy? Please share.


a seemingly endless archive of vintage paperbacks

what kids think about classics

what are you currently reading?


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